Thursday, March 12, 2009


HI! im 14 and EVERYONE in my school always says 'o thats legit' or if u ask them a question, they'll be like 'legitametly' (idk spelling) and idk what it means??? it it slang?



It can indicate agreement or approval. It means you like what someone has said.

Legitimately copied from dictionary:


adjective |lijitmit|

conforming to the law or to rules : his claims to legitimate authority. See note at genuine .

?able to be defended with logic or justification : a legitimate excuse for being late.

?(of a child) born of parents lawfully married to each other.

?(of a sovereign) having a title based on strict hereditary right : the last legitimate Anglo-Saxon king.

?constituting or relating to serious drama as distinct from musical comedy, revue, etc. : the legitimate theater.


Legally, literally, its real, for real, on the up and up, that seems to be how they are using it.

It's a really dumb word. everyone is sayin it! It basically means "correctly" But people use it as if it meant "cool" or "awesome", or if something really works, like "My new pipe is so legit!" or "the new Snoop Dogg CD is Legit!" but dont start using it...

yeah it is most likely slang

Legit: (adj) to be in a state just past coolness.

IDK: I don't know

all it means is o thats sick/cool/ awsome

legit means it works, its good, not fake

it means its correct/true/cool....kinda lame tho LOL

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